Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween crazybooth!

Last night Dani and I hosted "Freaky Tiki at the Crazy Polynesian", a Halloween costume party! We had a full house all night, with friends coming and going, some going and coming back again later. Perhaps the highlight of the entire party was the crazybooth! I set up my camera and tripod in the living room and connected the remote, hung my red bedroom curtains as a backdrop on the wall, and let everyone go at it. Here are some of the strips I put together this afternoon!

jess strip

Luke and Jess, my favorite couple from down the street! Luke filmed our promo video for Breaking Tradition, which is in the editing stage right now... look for it out soon!

luke and jess strip

The cup shot. (We've made this a must every time we go out together... someone has to get this shot with their camera phone!)

cup strip

luke teeth strip

group strip 2

And one of my favorites of the night... this one deserved to be by itself. :)

luke bloody mouth


BH said...

Where is Dani's pic? ;)

Emily is so cute. :)

Lyndsay Almeida said...

oh my goodness! those pics are hilarious. :)